
Samedi 10 Mars à 15h: Mr Garcin en dédicace!

Samedi 10 Mars à partir 15h: Mr Garcin  http://mrgarcin.com/

Mr Garcin...ce nom doit vous dire quelque chose! C'est l'artiste français de la cover de Spider-Man #700 aux USA, Spider-Man V3 #12 Variant Cover en France!

Il sera en dédicaces à la galerie Christiane Vallé, 15 Rue Philippe Marcombes, pour son livre "The Art of Mr Garcin", à 2 min de votre comicshop!

Pour l'occasion Evil-One Comics édite une  jaquette
exclusive "Spider-Man's Villains par Mr Garcin" tirée à 100 exemplaires à faire dédicacée sur la 4ème de couverture!

Et en cadeau une reproduction 170x210 de l'œuvre sur papier 250g.

la jaquette + la reproduction + la dédicace + 1 selfie = 6 euros:

"The Art of Mr Garcin" + la dédicace + 1 selfie = 34.90 euros:



Video Games / Comic Books

Mass Effect : Nouveau Monde
L'Initiative Andromède… Aux yeux du public, l'entreprise colossale de Jien Garson n'a qu'un but : trouver un nouveau foyer à l'humanité et aux autres peuples de la Voie lactée. Mais lorsque le lieutenant Teran Kandros se retrouve seul survivant d'une attaque dévastatrice, il commence à soupçonner que derrière ce prétexte humanitaire se cachent des motivations plus sinistres…
Déterminé à lever le voile sur les intentions de l'Initiative, Teran sera contraint de s'y infiltrer. Et tout en aidant Jien Garson à retrouver un scientifique disparu dans des circonstances suspectes, le lieutenant devra redoubler de vigilance pour affronter les nombreux dangers sur son chemin et faire éclater la vérité au grand jour.
Scénariste de la série Mass Effect, John Dombrow continue à développer son univers au travers de cette préquelle officielle et inédite.
Jeremy Barlow a lui aussi œuvré sur l'univers étendu de Mass Effect et est plus connu pour son travail sur les comics Star Wars.
Illustrateur principal de Mass Effect : Nouveau Monde, Gabriel Guzman a œuvré sur Dark Vador : Terreur dans les ténèbres ainsi que sur Predators.
Michael Atiyeh est coloriste d'une quarantaine de comics Star Wars. Son œuvre inclut entre autres les séries Wonder Woman et Conan le Barbare.
104 pages / 165 x 255 mm / 14€

Silent Hill T01 : Rédemption
Lorsque Jack Stanton, un tueur à gages surnommé « le Chiot », s'enfuit avec Jill, la femme de son patron, il s'attend évidemment à devenir une cible. Il ne doute pas que les hommes de main de Finn Conway vont se lancer à sa poursuite, et il sait bien que Jill et lui ne seront pas en sécurité très longtemps. Mais rien n'aurait pu le préparer à Silent Hill.
En partant à la recherche de Jill, kidnappée à proximité de ce lieu maudit, Jack se retrouve confronté aux monstres qui peuplent la ville : corps déformés, cadavres animés, loups sanguinaires… Pour survivre, il va devoir affronter une multitude de démons – à commencer par les siens. Et c'est sans compter l'ombre menaçante de Finn Conway qui se jette, revolver au poing, aux trousses des deux amants…
Piégé entre les fantômes du passé et sa quête d'un futur rédempteur, Jack va devoir, avec l'aide de la jeune Sara, trouver en lui le courage de tenter de sauver Jill. Et pour finir, peut-être, lui-même.
Tom Waltz (Les Tortues ninja, Children of the Grave) est un auteur de comics et un éditeur prolifique qui compte plus de 500 romans graphiques et bandes dessinées à son actif. Avec Sinner's Reward, il livre sa première histoire inédite dans l'univers de Silent Hill.
Steph Stamb (Angel: Masks,Left on Mission) est un illustrateur spécialisé dans les romans graphiques. Son trait tourmenté réinvente un Silent Hill plus angoissant que jamais.
Auteur : Tom WALTZ / Steph STAMB
112 pages / 165 x 255 mm / 14€

Metal Gear Solid Projet Rex
« Alors comme ça, le gouvernement ne t'a rien dit ? Classique. C'est ce que tu récoltes en étant l'employé modèle, Snake. On te ment, on te trahit et puis on te sacrifie. »
Quand des terroristes génétiquement modifiés s'infiltrent sur l'île de Shadow Moses pour dérober le Metal Gear Rex, une arme de destruction massive, le soldat Solid Snake doit sortir de sa retraite anticipée. Libérer les otages et éviter une détonation nucléaire : tel est l'objectif officiel de cette mission.
Mais lorsque des informateurs meurent dans ses bras, qu'une force invisible semble attaquer la base et qu'un adversaire redoutable du nom de Liquid Snake se révèle, le super-soldat se rend vite compte qu'il est le pion d'une machination tentaculaire… 
Kris Oprisko est l'auteur de nombreux comics tels que la série CSI ou Underworld: Red in Tooth & Claw. Il s'attaque ici pour la première fois à la saga culte Metal Gear Solid.
Ashley Wood est un illustrateur de comics (Hellspawn, Silent Hill, Uncanny X-Men), candidat au prix Eisner en 2006 pour son histoire courte « Blood Son ».
Auteur : Kris Oprisko / Ashley Wood
304 pages / 180 x 275 mm / 18€

Overwatch : le Livre-poster
D'Ana à Zenyatta en passant par Tracer, redécouvrez les vaillants héros et les somptueux environnements d'Overwatch à travers 24 posters colorés et inédits !
Une collection exclusive qui célèbre le sublime univers du FPS le plus populaire du moment !
24 pages / 247 x 316 mm / 11,50€

Quand le manga réinvente les grands classiques de la peinture
De Botticelli à Picasso en passant par Van Gogh, découvrez les toiles de maître comme vous ne les aviez encore jamais vues ! Au fil des 112 pages de ce magnifique livre illustré, apprenez-en davantage sur ces classiques et laissez-vous surprendre par l'alliance étonnante du manga et des peintures iconiques au travers du regard de plus d'une quarantaine de mangaka et d'illustrateurs japonais.
Auteur : Collectif
112 pages / 257 x 182 mm / 17€

Final Fantasy Lost Stranger T01
Employés chez Square Enix, Shogo et sa sœur Yuko n'ont qu'un rêve : pouvoir un jour travailler sur un opus de la série Final Fantasy. Mais ce projet va tourner court lorsqu'un camion les fauche tous les deux. Projetés dans un village peuplé de Mogs et de Chocobos, ils comprennent qu'ils sont désormais partie intégrante de leur univers favori… Étrangers perdus dans une contrée familière, Shogo et Yuko vont devoir réapprendre tout ce qu'ils pensaient connaître de l'univers de Final Fantasy et forger de nouvelles alliances afin de survivre à un monde bien plus dangereux qu'il n'en a l'air. Leur rêve va bientôt tourner au cauchemar…
Découvrez Final Fantasy comme jamais auparavant dans cette toute nouvelle histoire inédite !
Auteur : Hazuki Minase / Itsuki Kameya
224 pages / 130 x 180 mm / 7€
Sortie : 05/04/2018

Artbook officiel Fallout 4 : Imaginer l'apocalypse
Une guerre nucléaire. Des territoires dévastés. Et un seul survivant de l'attaque du 23 octobre 2077 : vous. Bienvenue dans l'univers de Fallout 4, le jeu de rôle post-apocalyptique de Bethesda. Que ce soit par votre force, votre intelligence, votre charisme ou votre chance, il vous faudra briller et réagir rapidement afin de survivre dans un monde en ruines et de retrouver la trace de votre fils disparu.
Entre Amérique rétro et paysages futuristes délabrés, découvrez l'esthétique léchée de Fallout 4 au travers de 1 500 croquis, modèles 3D, travaux préparatoires et story-boards exclusifs, commentés par l'équipe artistique. Une plongée inédite dans les coulisses du RPG phénomène !
368 pages / 210 x 297 mm / 39€

Sur les traces de son père, porté disparu, le nouveau roi de Férelden, Alistair Theirin, parcourt le monde. À ses côtés, d'insolites compagnons de voyage : le marchand roublard Varric et la fougueuse pirate, Isabela. Mais dans leur quête semée d'embûches, et au gré des rencontres avec de nouveaux ennemis comme d'anciens alliés, le trio va rapidement lever le voile sur une réalité bien plus inquiétante…
Embarqués dans une conspiration pour réveiller les dragons d'antan, les trois camarades devront rivaliser d'audace et d'ingéniosité afin d'endiguer un complot aux proportions dantesques. Et il leur faudra alors être prêts à affronter les conséquences de leurs choix passés…
Plongez dans le monde de Dragon Age au travers de cette histoire inédite et officielle, prenant place entre le deuxième et le troisième opus du RPG culte !
David Gaider est le scénariste principal de la série Dragon Age, ayant travaillé également sur Baldur's Gate II et Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic. Au travers de ce comics, il continue d'enrichir l'univers fantastique de Dragon Age.
Alexander Freed a l'habitude d'écrire pour BioWare, ayant œuvré sur Mass Effect : Andromeda et Anthem. Il est l'auteur de nombreux romans et comics sur Star Wars.
Chad Hardin est un illustrateur de comics, plus connu pour son travail sur Harley Quinn, Justice League of America et The Spirit. Il prête ici pour la première fois son trait à l'univers de Dragon Age.
Auteur : David Gaider, Alexander Freed, Chad Hardin
220 pages / 180 x 275 mm / 17€
Sortie : 08/03/2018

Deus Ex Universe : Dissidence
La révolution est en marche !
2029. Deux ans après l'Incident, un acte terroriste aux répercussions mondiales, les Augmentés, des citoyens transformés par la technologie et libérés de leurs limitations physiques, sont au cœur de toutes les tensions. Profitant de ce climat de crise, un groupe d'extrémistes fomente une révolution menaçant de détruire toute possibilité de cohabitation… et c'est à l'agent Adam Jensen qu'il incombe de stopper une bonne fois pour toutes les dissidents.
Prise d'otages, ségrégation et agents doubles… Dans cette préquelle officielle de Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, découvrez la première mission haletante de Jensen au sein de la Task Force 29 : une course contre la montre pour éviter à tout prix un apartheid mécanique.
JOHN IRVINE est un écrivain de science-fiction, auteur du Soleil du nouveau monde et de La Colline aux mystères. Il a travaillé notamment sur Avengers et Batman: Inferno.
JOHN AGGS est un illustrateur de comics plus connu pour son travail sur le John Blake de Philip Pullman et sur Robot Girl.
Auteur : Alex Irvine / John Aggs
128 pages / 165 x 255 mm / 14€

Dark Souls I & II Design Works
« La plupart des développeurs font des efforts considérables pour vous protéger de l'échec. FromSoftware le transforme en art. » – Keza MacDonald, IGN
Avec son gameplay impitoyable et ses ennemis redoutables, Dark Souls est devenu le nouveau standard d'exigence de l'industrie vidéoludique. Plongeant le joueur dans un univers de dark fantasy très léché, le studio FromSoftware a ainsi établi une référence du jeu vidéo, source d'inspiration pour de nombreux blockbusters.
Personnages, créatures, armes, lieux et objets… Dans Dark Souls I & II Design Works, plongez dans les archives de cette cruelle saga, au travers de plus de 1 000 illustrations inédites et d'interviews exclusives avec l'équipe des jeux, pour la première fois recueillies en un seul volume
368 pages / 210 x 297 mm / 39€
Sortie : 05/04/2018

Bloodborne : artbook officiel
Entre rêve et cauchemar, peur et folie, le Chasseur arpente les rues de Yharnam à la recherche du mystérieux Pâlesang qui pourra le sauver. Châteaux en ruine, forêts, université, églises… La quête du Chasseur lui fera traverser un terrifiant univers gothique dans lequel il devra affronter les créatures d'épouvante qui se dresseront sur son chemin et triompher des Grands Anciens.
Loup-garou, monstre clérical, géant, ombre de Yharnam, ou encore Micolash, hôte du cauchemar : les horrifiques ennemis qui peuplent ce monde lovecraftien rivalisent de monstruosité et de détails glaçants.
De lieu en lieu, d'adversaire en adversaire, découvrez dans cet artbook officiel tout l'art de Bloodborne au travers de plus de 700 travaux préparatoires, croquis et illustrations oniriques.
256 pages / 210 x 297 mm / 29,90€



(W) Andy Hartnell (CA) J. Scott Campbell
It's been 20 years since Danger Girl first exploded onto the comics scene, and IDW is celebrating by re-presenting the introductory preview story and the first oversized issue. Plus, for the first time ever, these two stories will be presented in crisp black and white pencils, scanned from Campbell's very own personal archives-and with no lettering to obstruct the art! If you love J. Scott Campbell's art-and who doesn't-you'll be able to see Danger Girl like never before!
12 euros

(W) Stan Lee, Various (A/CA) Jack Kirby
A collection of beautiful stories featuring some of Jack "King" Kirby's most iconic and enduring heroes: Captain America, the X-Men, Ant-Man, and Sgt. Fury! Included in this glorious Artist's Edition are complete stories of each, and all drawn in the old Twice-Up format (meaning this is a BIG book!). Additionally, several of Kirby's best monster stories are also included. Rounding off in true Artist's Edition style is an extra-long gallery section, filled with great and rare covers, pin-ups, and exceptional pages.
150 euros

Terry Moore's work as a writer and artist (and letterer) are on display for all to see in the new Terry Moore: Strangers In Paradise Gallery Edition. Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of SIP with this presentation of Moore's art spanning the entire Eisner Award-winning series. The evolution of Terry together with Francine, Katchoo, David and all of the other characters that inhabit the SIP world is captured in this 248-page, large-format, hardcover edition. The artwork contained in this Smythe-sewn deluxe edition is framed by the original 20-page version of the very first SIP story and SIP #90, the series' 2007 finale. Included between these "bookends" is a representational page from each of the 105 issues published between issues #1 and #90. Also included is an extensive Gallery section containing covers and miscellaneous SIP art from the last 25 years. Sourced from high-resolution scans from the original art and reproduced at the actual size, this 12" x 17" deluxe volume is printed at 200 line-screen on heavy paper stock to approximate the look and feel of the original art itself.
125 euros

In this issue we have specially selected artists for this issue as well our popular bonus insert on contrasting paper stock in the center! Hi-Fructose showcases an eclectic mix of underground artists, pop surrealists, emerging and rediscovered counter cultures, and awe inspiring spectacles from around the world. Hi-Fructose's beautiful layouts feature in-depth features and interviews with cutting edge artists, creators, and many many surprises yet to be revealed all jam packed into one place.
9.60 euros

This issue of Illustration features the sexy magazine illustrations of the brilliant Frederic Varady, best known for his slick magazine work. Our feature showcases numerous examples of his original art, printed tear sheets and covers, and rare, previously unpublished photographs. Next up we feature the work of prolific cartoonist Gilbert Bundy, famous for his humorous slick men's magazine illustrations of the 30s and 40s, whose life was cut tragically short following his return from WWII. Book reviews, exhibitions and events, and more round out the issue!
18 euros


(W) Yoshitaka Amano (A/CA) Yoshitaka Amano
Dark Horse and Square Enix are thrilled to offer the first of three volumes celebrating the entrancing lore and exciting development of the initial six entries into the Final Fantasy saga. This astonishing journey through the creation of the seminal roll playing epic is finally available in English under official license for the first time ever!
44 euros

Livraison vers mi-mars.
Tous les exemplaires pré-commandés sont assurés d'être signés par l'auteur:

Le tout dernier Sketchbook de Tim Sale
55 Pages
Couverture Souple
29 euros

Livraison vers mi-mars.
Tous les exemplaires pré-commandés sont assurés d'être signés par l'auteur:

Le tout dernier Sketchbook de Matteo Scalera
Couverture Souple
29 euros


éditeurs indépendants, Comics VO precommandes de Février

(W) Ian Flynn (A) Tracy Yardley (CA) Tyson Hesse
SONIC'S RACING INTO A NEW ADVENTURE! After defeating the evil Dr. Eggman's latest plot, Sonic is racing around the world to shut down the robotic Badnik forces that are still attacking villages. But it's a big job for one person-even Sonic the Hedgehog! Fortunately, he'll have some help from his best friend: Tails! 
4.80 euros


(W) John K. Snyder III (A/CA) John K. Snyder III
In crime-ravaged 1980's New York, a troubled ex-cop turned unlicensed detective takes on his most dangerous case, hunting down a serial killer-hitman, and ultimately coming face-to-face with his deadliest enemy, himself, in John K. Snyder III's graphic novel adaptation of the celebrated story by Lawrence Block.
Steeped in traditional pulp, Block's writing has a true gift for capturing the art of conversation between his characters. These are the lowlifes of society, for whom Block occasionally finds redemption, but who are more often among the vilest beings in human existence. Snyder's art both encapsulates and elevates these rough-cut gems in a graphic, grainy, and moody setting that evokes the dark, noir magazine covers of the period.
27.50 euros

(W) Nnedi Okorafor (CA) Eric Battle
Honor through perseverance. Legacy through diversity. IDW Publishing is proud to present the epic story of one of history's greatest warriors and finest poets: Antar the Black Knight. A despised camel driver born of an African slave mother and an Arab Noble father, Antar proves that heroes are made by embracing who we are and dreaming about what we can become.
4.80 euros

(W) Andy Hartnell (CA) J. Scott Campbell
It's been 20 years since Danger Girl first exploded onto the comics scene, and IDW is celebrating by re-presenting the introductory preview story and the first oversized issue. Plus, for the first time ever, these two stories will be presented in crisp black and white pencils, scanned from Campbell's very own personal archives-and with no lettering to obstruct the art! If you love J. Scott Campbell's art-and who doesn't-you'll be able to see Danger Girl like never before!
12 euros

(W) Stan Lee, Various (A/CA) Jack Kirby
A collection of beautiful stories featuring some of Jack "King" Kirby's most iconic and enduring heroes: Captain America, the X-Men, Ant-Man, and Sgt. Fury! Included in this glorious Artist's Edition are complete stories of each, and all drawn in the old Twice-Up format (meaning this is a BIG book!). Additionally, several of Kirby's best monster stories are also included. Rounding off in true Artist's Edition style is an extra-long gallery section, filled with great and rare covers, pin-ups, and exceptional pages.
150 euros

Terry Moore's work as a writer and artist (and letterer) are on display for all to see in the new Terry Moore: Strangers In Paradise Gallery Edition. Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of SIP with this presentation of Moore's art spanning the entire Eisner Award-winning series. The evolution of Terry together with Francine, Katchoo, David and all of the other characters that inhabit the SIP world is captured in this 248-page, large-format, hardcover edition. The artwork contained in this Smythe-sewn deluxe edition is framed by the original 20-page version of the very first SIP story and SIP #90, the series' 2007 finale. Included between these "bookends" is a representational page from each of the 105 issues published between issues #1 and #90. Also included is an extensive Gallery section containing covers and miscellaneous SIP art from the last 25 years. Sourced from high-resolution scans from the original art and reproduced at the actual size, this 12" x 17" deluxe volume is printed at 200 line-screen on heavy paper stock to approximate the look and feel of the original art itself.
125 euros

(W) Cullen Bunn (A/CA) Mirko Colak
The legend of Vlad the Impaler is the stuff of nightmares. The inspiration for the most iconic of monsters-Dracula-Vlad tortured and murdered thousands of victims. But what turned him into such a depraved killer? The truth lies in his teenage years, when Vlad and his brother Radu were held hostage by the Ottoman Empire. During this time, the brothers learned many things-archery, riding, the art of combat, matters of court...and how to stalk and slay vampires. From writer Cullen Bunn (DARK ARK, UNHOLY GRAIL, X-Men Blue, Deadpool, Venom) and artist Mirko Colak (UNHOLY GRAIL,The Punisher) comes a tale of brothers and blood that HAD to be told at AfterShock Comics.
4.80 euros

(W) Lonnie Nadler, Zac Thompson (A/CA) Kyle Charles
A tale of loss told in five parts. Any good mom would march through the inferno of HELL to get her family back. Unable to cope with the burden of grief, a middle-aged mom descends the nine circles of hell to retrieve her forsaken family. Guided by the ghosts of William Blake and Agatha Christie, this no-nonsense mother journeys deep into a bizarre underworld filled with celebrity sinners, surreal landscapes, and absurd tasks. Her Infernal Descent is a retelling of Dante's Inferno that updates the themes for a modern audience. From the writers of the break-out hit The Dregs, and the artist of Roche Limit, this is HELL like you've never seen before.
4.80 euros

Collecting the first five issue of this hit AfterShock series! The wickedness of mankind has moved the Creator to destroy the world by way of the flood. Noah has been tasked with building an ark to save his family and the animals of the world. But this is not Noah's story. For darker powers have commanded the sorcerer Shrae to build his own ark and save the unnatural creatures of the world-such as the vampires, the dragons, the naga and the manticore. But what will happen on a vessel crawling with monsters, where insidious intrigue and horrific violence are the rule of law? From writer Cullen Bunn (X-Men Blue, Deadpool, Venom) and artist Juan Doe (AMERICAN MONSTER, WORLD READER) comes a sinister tale of biblical proportions that HAD to be told at AfterShock Comics.
18 euros

(W) Kieron Gillen (A) Daniel Gete, Canaan White, Gabriel Andrade
The five volumes of collections making up the entire first series of Uber, Kieron Gillen's breakout hit reinvention of the alternative history genre, is now available now in a handsome slipcase set!  April 24, 1945, the world holds its breath as the war is only days away from ending.  Russian troops move through Germany to the final objective... Hitler himself.  As those around the mad dictator crumble, the much ridiculed threats of the "Wunderwafen" finally materialize.  A new weapon is delivered, one with unstoppable power - a weapon like no other and with a madman pulling the trigger.  The Ubers change the direction of World War II providing a dark and uncompromising alternative history in a way that you've never seen.   This Slipcase Set contains the collected Uber Volumes 1,2,3,4 and 5.
90 euros

(W) Michel Fiffe (A/CA) Michel Fiffe
They're ugly. They're mean. But up until today, they've always been loyal. So when one of their own betrays them, the men and women of COPRA have no choice but to turn their nightmarish skills back on everyone who ever looked at them funny. Collecting the first six issues of Michel Fiffe's super-hero revenge series focusing on the exploits of the COPRA team, a group of super-powered vigilantes and mercenaries betrayed by one of their own and hunted by the US government.
24 euros

(W) Jeff Kaufman (CA) Franchesco
Gabriel Lane is the son of an unbelievably flawed man who told thousands of lies and alienated everyone in is life. The only problem is that Gabriel has no idea what is real and what is hiding behind the curtain.
12 euros

(W) Patrick Kindlon (A/CA) Antonio Fuso
Downtown Honolulu is a sniper alley, and Saheer runs it better than anyone. He's a local celebrity for transporting medicine and information across a no-man's land occupied by militias and street gangs. But what people say about you is never the full story, and when the cheers die out Saheer is left with just his anxieties... and his secrets. The first of a five-issue series that keeps its foot pressed on your adrenal gland. From Patrick Kindlon (We Can Never Go Home, There's Nothing There, S.H.I.E.L.D.: Quake) and illustrator Antonio Fuso (James Bond), Survival Fetish is a pulse-pounding thrill-ride that mixes political intrigue with deep characters and high octane action.
4.80 euros

(W) Brian Wood (A) Jorge Coelho (CA) Nimit Malavia
Brian Wood, the visionary writer behind DMZ and Briggs Land , and Jorge Coelho ( Venom, Rocket Racoon ) present a provocative vision of a future where justice is crowdsourced�c and lethal. It's been decades since the RoboCop program first began. Corporations have taken over the schools and the government.and law enforcement is the biggest private contract of all. Traditional police forces no longer exist as all citizens are encouraged.and rewarded.to spy on their neighbors. There is only one authority on the streets: ROBOCOP.
4.80 euros

(W) Marc Andrekyo (A) Kewber Baal (CA) Kelley Jones
Grad student Devin Toulson is writing his dream thesis on Myths in American History, but when his research takes him on a journey reaching back centuries, Devin finds something horrifying. Something that crosses cultures, locations, and eras. Something that returns for a bloody feeding every 23 years. Will this young man's investigation uncover simply an urban legend or will he come face to face with an immortal monster that has terrorized humanity from the shadows since man first walked the country?
4.80 euros

(W) Bill Morrison (A) Bill Morrison
The official graphic novel adaption of The Beatles' iconic animated film, Yellow Submarine, released to coincide with the 50th Anniversary of its release! Written and illustraded by Bill Morrison, Editor of MAD Magazine! The Beatles are recruited be the captain of the Yellow Submarine to help him free Sgt, Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, and the world of Pepperland from the music-hating Blue Meanies.
33 euros

(W) Peter Milligan (A) Colin Lorimer (CA) Photo
The cult TV series comes to life in a brand new comic series by writer Peter Milligan and artist Colin Lorimer!
Timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the first US transmission, this new series transports readers back to the mysterious village where everyone is a number!
4.80 euros

(W) Jack Kirby, Steve Englehart (A) Jack Kirby, Gil Kane
Drawn by two of the greatest comic book legends, Jack Kirby and Gil Kane, this is an art-sized, hardcover collection of the 'long lost', previously unpublished comic books based on the cult classic 1967 British TV show, The Prisoner.
The first six pages of the Jack Kirby strip were inked and lettered by Mike Royer. The Gil Kane pages are pencils only.
This collection includes fascimiles of the original script written by Steve Englehart and includes bonus features written by Englehart and Bob Wayne
80 euros

(W) Alan Martin (A/CA) Jamie Hewlett
30 years ago, the dynamic partnership of Jamie Hewlett and Alan Martin created the first Tank Girl comics in glorious black and white. Now we present those punky, manic, seminal strips in full color, just as Hewlett and Martin would've liked to have seen them three decades ago
Compiled into six indispensable collector's comic books, these prestige editions come packed with contemporary covers, and rare and unseen artwork.
8.40 euros


MARVEL, Comics VO precommandes de Février

(W) Charles Soule (A) David Marquez (CA) Steve McNiven
The RETURN OF WOLVERINE begins here, providing the first piece of a mystery that will leave no corner of the Marvel Universe untouched. Just as the X-Men have finally come to terms with Logan's death, they learn a terrible secret. Old wounds will be re-opened, truths questioned, and an epic quest begun. The earliest clues to the mystery of Wolverine's return are laid down here... who will solve it first?
7.20 euros

(W) Mark Waid (A/CA) Chris Samnee
Cap is finally "OUT OF TIME"!
•  Frozen in time, awakened in a decimated future and once again a man out of his era, there is only one way for Steve Rogers to restore order and rebuild civilization-and that's to rule it as King Captain America! No dream, no hoax, no lie, this IS Cap and this IS happening, believe it or not!
•  PLUS: Mark Waid delivers an untold tale from Captain America's past, featuring the classic artwork of Jack Kirby!
7.20 euros

(W) Saladin Ahmed (A) Javier Rodriguez (CA) David Marquez
Fan-favorite X-Man Blink once joined a team destined to save not just the world, but the entire Multiverse. And now, her teleporting talents are needed once again! When a mysterious threat begins eating away at the fabric of the Multiverse, the Unseen - the man once known as Nick Fury who now can only observe Earth from a lofty post on the moon - must recruit a champion to save it. But she can't do it alone. Who will join Blink's new team - and can they ever go home again?
4.80 euros

(W) Gail Simone (A) David Baldeon (CA) Greg Land, D'Armata, Frank
Impossible curves. Impossible shots. Impossible targets. Marvel's #1 soldier of fortune is back in an explosive new ongoing series! The product of a failed super-soldier program, Neena Thurman always made her own luck as the sharpshooting mercenary known as Domino... but what happens when her own powers betray her? The hunter becomes the hunted as every mercenary in the game smells blood in the water! Plus: A pair of beloved Marvel characters return!
4.80 euros

(W) Cullen Bunn (A) Iban Coello (CA) Nick Bradshaw
The story that began in VENOMVERSE reaches its epic conclusion with VENOMIZED! The POISONS, a species that hungers for super-powered symbiotes and their hosts, have picked their next target...THE MARVEL UNIVERSE ITSELF! Their first objective? Put every superhuman in a Klyntar symbiote - and CONSUME THEM! But with VENOM and the X-MEN still missing after the events of "Poison-X," the planet, and its heroes, is defenseless!
6 euros

1.20 euros les comics "TRUE BELIEVERS":

 Reprinting Iron Man (1968) #55 and material from Logan's Run #6

Reprinting Avengers (1963) #125

Reprinting Infinity Gauntlet (1991) #1

Reprinting Thanos Rising (2013) #1

 Reprinting Avengers (2012) #1

Reprinting Silver Surfer (1987) #34

Reprinting Infinity War (1992) #1

Reprinting Marvel Super-Heroes (1967) #13

(W) Devin Grayson (A) Marco Failla (CA) Helen Chen
  This April SQUIRREL GIRL meets MS. MARVEL - for the very first time! When Doreen Green (also known as the unbeatable Squirrel Girl) volunteers as head counselor for an extra-curricular computer programming camp, little does she know that junior counselor Kamala Khan moonlights as crime fighting super hero Ms. Marvel! But this coding camp is more than just ones and zeros when A.I.M. makes an appearance! Will our heroes be able to save the campers without blowing their secret identities?
Join Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl, America, Inferno, and Patriot as they learn exactly what it means to be a young hero in the Marvel Universe - and what it means to be a hero to each other.
1 euro

You've finished the first COLOR YOUR OWN DEADPOOL? You've still got red pens, pencils or crayons left? Well, why not do it all over again? We've got more black-and-white pages of Wade Wilson artwork by some of the best to ever tackle the Merc with a Mouth! It's up to you to throw some shades at the Sassin' Assassin and his uncanny cast of friends and foes - including his succubus bride Shiklah, the rainbow Deadpool squad known as the Mercs for Money, the maniacal Madcap and Wade's best bro Spider-Man! And there's a good chance we'll also bring out the big guns - and we mean really big guns - like Cable! So dig deep in your pouches to find your implements of choice, and give maximum effort to coloring your own Deadpool - again!
12 euros