
Comics VF Bliss /... Aout-Sept-Octobre

Rafer Roberts / David Lafuente / Mike Norton
Archer s'apprête à partir pour une mission périlleuse. Une quête mystique à l'intérieur de la sacoche sans fond d'Armstrong pour libérer son ami des griffes du dieu fou Bacchus ! (Bon, Armstrong s'est retrouvé dans la sacoche lui-même pour récupérer une bouteille de whisky qu'il avait perdu et est resté bloqué. Il faut le comprendre, là-dedans c'est un peu comme l'entrepôt Amazon des trésors magiques... et il n'a pas vraiment de plan des lieux). Emprisonné depuis des siècles dans le sac, Bacchus est maintenant à la tête d'une légion de monstres, de gobelins et de golems qui ne rêvent que de s'échapper et se venger de leur ravisseur... Archer parviendra-t-il à vaincre la représentation divine de l'ivresse et secourir son meilleur ami ? Et sans se perdre dans ce dédale d'artefacts étranges et de reliques historiques ?
MAIS AUSSI ! Dave le maquereau ! Un cirque de savants fous bolchéviques ! Le premier rendez-vous de Faith et Archer ! Le plan des Un Pour Cent pour dominer le monde ! Gub Gub, votre nouveau personnage favori ! Archer et Armstrong reviennent dans un récit complet et indépendant, l'occasion idéale de découvrir ou replonger dans leurs incroyables aventures.
336 pages
28 €

Jody Houser / Pere Pérez / Marguerite Sauvage / Colleen Doran
Dans une ville assiégée par des robots, des extraterrestres, des montres, et pire... des célébrités, les habitants de Los Angeles ne peuvent compter que sur une femme : la super-héroïne Faith ! Journaliste le jour et justicière la nuit, Faith a surmonté tous les obstacles avec confiance : les délais impossibles au bureau, les difficultés d'une relation longue distance avec son petit-ami, et même les quelques numéros manquants qui gâchent sa collection de comics ! Mais Faith ne sait pas qu'elle est sur le point de découvrir une menace qu'elle n'avait pas vu arriver, un individu bien décidé à se débarrasser d'elle définitivement ! Qui se cache derrière le masque de ce nouvel ennemi, qui pourrait bien être la seule personne capable d'enlever à Faith ses pouvoirs ?
Format : 167 x 257 mm
128 pages, 14,95 €

Ron Fortier / Alex Ross
Cet album de 128 pages est un morceau d'Histoire des comics. Situé dans la ligne temporelle précédent le premier film Terminator, Le Jour d'Après raconte comment Skynet a été vaincu par John Connor et la Résistance avant d'utiliser les voyages dans le temps pour tenter de l'en empêcher. Le point de départ de la saga Terminator. Cet album est le 1er Comics entièrement dessiné par ALEX ROSS.
128 pages
29,95 €


Eric Powell / John Carpenter / Brian Churilla
Jack Burton, routier et aventurier macho, a fait trembler les piliers de Ciel quand il a vaincu le sorcier Lo Pan et ainsi aidé son Meilleur ami Wang à sauver sa fiancée. Mais les forces des ténèbres sont de retour et elles ont décidé de se venger de Jack Burton pendant le mariage de Wang ! Suite directe du film-culte Jack Burton dans les griffes du Mandarin, reprenez l'aventure là où elle s'est arrêtée à l'écran ! Avec John Carpenter et Eric Powell au scénario et Brian Churilla au dessin, le mélange est explosif !
128 pages
14,90 €

Jeff Lemire/ Doug Braithwaite / Brian Reber / Kano
Le Projet Rising Spirit, l'organisation paramilitaire qui fait la fierté du complexe militaro-industriel américain, a réussi une prouesse scientifique. Ils ont développé une nanite contagieuse, se répandant par voie aérienne, et pouvant transformer la population en une armée de soldats indestructibles. Un virus apocalyptique capable de détruire un pays entier de l'intérieur. Il remodèle chaque homme, femme et enfant grâce à la même technologie qui a créé leur arme la plus efficace: Bloodshot. Mais Rising Spirit a choisi un terrain très particulier pour tester sa nouvelle trouvaille : New-York. Alors que le chaos envahit Manhattan, Bloodshot doit contrer la plus grande invasion sur le sol américain et empêcher une pandémie de détruire tout le pays... Et l'humanité toute entière. La Grosse Pomme devient rouge sang dans ce récit complet hâletant et apocalyptique. Une histoire accessible à tous, mais aussi le climax de la saga au long cours de Jeff Lemire.
144 pages
16,95 €

Robert Venditti / Diego Bernard / Doug Braithwaite
Lorsqu'Aric de Dacie est rentré sur Terre, avec l'armure X-O Manowar volée aux extraterrestres Vignes, il pensait avoir trouvé l'arme parfaite. Il pourrait enfin trouver un territoire pour son peuple wisigoth et protéger ce nouveau et balbutiant royaume. Mais une force venue des confins de l'espace approche de la Terre : les Chasseurs d'Armures. Ils n'existent que dans un but : débarrasser l'univers des armures comme celles d'Aric et leur pouvoir de destruction incommensurable. Qu'importe s'il faut détruire la Terre avec...
L'origine de la mystérieuse armure sera enfin révélée dans ce deuxième cycle des aventures d'Aric de Dacie. Découvrez les plus formidables ennemis qu'il aie eu à combattre dans cet événement qui a marqué en profondeur l'univers Valiant, et prenez part à la bataille aux côtés d'X-O Manowar mais aussi de l'équipe Unity, Bloodshot, Faith et les psiotiques de la Génération Zéro.
592 pages
45 €


Mark Verheiden / Denis Beauvais / Sam Keith
Suite de l'album "Aliens - 30e anniversaire" Poursuit et conclut la série originale "Aliens"220 pages, deux récits complets
Édition Hardcore : Grand format à couverture cartonnée
220 pages
39,95 €

Matt Kindt / Trevor Hairsine / Ryan Winn / David Baron
Le monde que vous connaissiez a disparu. Bienvenue dans le stalinvers, camarade.
Nous sommes en l'an 2017. L'Union Soviétique est la première puissance du monde et le Rideau de Fer entoure désormais une planète en proie à la guerre et à l'oppression. La liberté appartient au passé dans le Stalinvers... Mais alors, pourquoi l'officier des services secrets russes Colin King, fidèle parmi les fidèles, n'arrive pas à se défaire du sentiment que quelque chose a mal tourné dans l'histoire ? Il va mettre sa vie en péril afin de découvrir la vérité... que pourrait bien détenir le cosmonaute Abram Adams, depuis longtemps introuvable. L'homme qu'on appelait Divinity, dans un autre temps, un autre monde. Celui qui pourrait défaire le monde dystopique dans lequel l'humanité est plongée.
272 pages
24,50 €

Joshua Dysart / Doug Braithwaite / Scot Eaton / Cafu / Khari Evans / Raul Allen
Un monde meilleur. À tout prix.
Toyo Harada est l'homme le plus dangereux au monde. Psiotique doué de pouvoirs incommensurables, survivant d'Hiroshima, milliardaire philanthrope, il a passé sa vie à manipuler l'humanité dans l'ombre. Son but : réaliser son utopie, quel qu'en soit le prix. Mais aujourd'hui, il est dos au mur. Ses pouvoirs ont été révélés au monde, son empire industriel s'est effondré et il est pourchassé par les grandes puissances de la planète. Au lieu de se rendre, il va recruter une légion venue des recoins les plus sinistres de la Terre et au-delà pour combattre avec lui et mettre en oeuvre son plan pour le monde. La bataille pour son utopie commence maintenant !
440 pages
35 €


Comics indépendants VO pour Septembre

TMNT ULTIMATE COLL TP VOL 01 (la série originelle!!!)
 (W) Kevin Eastman, Peter Laird (A) Peter Laird (A/CA) Kevin Eastman
A thorough look back at the TMNT comic book roots with the original stories plus insightful annotations from co-creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. Rediscover the underground roots of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, with this special collection of Mirage Studios' issues #1-7 along with the Raphael Micro-Series one-shot! This volume is perfect for fans to relive the glorious days of the Turtles' origins as well as an excellent place for new readers to see where the TMNT phenomena began.
240 pages, 33 euros

 (W) John Lees, Nick Pitarra, Ryan Ferrier (A) Nick Pitarra, Adam Gorham (CA) Freddie Williams II
Today's best creative teams get a chance to add their mark to the saga of the TMNT in exciting stand-alone stories that provide context and sub-plots to the ongoing series. The TMNT Universe expands as new enemies and allies meet for the first time and, what was once safe, turns deadly! Behold the debut of the TMNT's weirdest foe yet: Wyrm! Then, Donatello reboots a new and improved Metalhead only to find that the robot no longer functions entirely as designed... for better and worse! And, Alopex and Nobody are looking for a little rest and relaxation but get more than they ask for when they become the unwilling guests of a never-ending party thrown by the hedonistic Toad Baron! Collects issues #6-10.
21.60 euros

(W) Stephen Mooney (A/CA) Stephen Mooney
Nobody talks about how many dinosaurs died in WWII. But three months after Sergeant Tommy Irish Flynn and Captain John Noble wiped them out while foiling a Nazi plan, the boys are back, hot on the trail of some Dino DNA stolen by their former ally, Agent Elizabeth Huntington-Moss! The Nazis must be stopped before they can unleash their doomsday weapon!
4.80 euros

(W) Stephen Mooney (A/CA) Stephen Mooney
Summer, 1943, and in the midst of a war waged by monsters, Staff Sergeant Tommy "Irish" Flynn never expected to encounter a real one. But on a remote island in the South Pacific theatre, Flynn and his squad come face-to-fanged-face with creatures long thought dead! History meets Prehistory in this two-fisted race against time.
150 pages, 33 euros

(W) Pierrick Colinet, Elsa Charretier (A) Daniele Di Nicuolo (CA) Elsa Charretier
The Infinite Loop is back with a new self-contained story, a perfect jumping-on point for new readers! Twin Peaks-creepiness collides with Orwell's 1984-dystopian madness in this sci-fi mini series, as Teddy is sent back in time in a little town where people are addicted to lies.
4.80 euros

 (W) Ben Templesmith (A/CA) Ben Templesmith
Wormwood has been gone for some time. Too long, if you ask his old friends. They're determined to track him down, no matter what dimension he's buggered off to. You see, a special agent from the U.S. government has asked for Wormwood's help, and things are about to get political...
4.80 euros

 (W) Joe Pearson, Terry Fitzgerald, Brad Coombs, Jim Mitchell, Lisa Pearson (A) Joe Pearson, Terry Fitzgerald, Brad Coombs, Jim Mitchell, Lisa Pearson
See the art that helped create the Grammy Award Nominated music video Do the Evolution by legendary band Pearl Jam, a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 2017 inductee. Directed by visionary comics legend Todd McFarlane and veteran animator Kevin Altieri, this achievement in animation told a graphic and dark history of the world in four gripping minutes and is widely considered one of the best music videos of all time. Now, the full story of the making of this historic video will be told in this art book. Lushly illustrated by the video's striking animation cells with never before seen storyboards and designs from the video, the video's co-producer, Joe Pearson, will guide readers through the fascinating process of bringing the band's vision to life in this one-of-a-kind book.
44 euros

 (W) Steve Niles (A/CA) Bernie Wrightson
Steve Niles and Bernie Wrightson combined their immense creative power to produce this suspenseful horror-science fiction epic! Brilliantly illustrated by Wrightson, the king of horror comics, this story is collected here for the first time in the over-sized IDW treasury format-in stunning black and white to showcase Wrightson's stellar work!
n&b grand format, 12 euros

 (W) Alex Toth (A/CA) Alex Toth
Alex Toth is considered to be one of the finest storytellers in the history of comics, and The Case of the Curious Classic is one of his absolute best. It is also one of the very few stories Toth both wrote and drew. Now this Curious Classic is being presented as an Artist's Edition Portfolio, a fitting tribute to one of the forms finest creators!
44 euros

(W) Spike Steffenhagen (A) Mats Engesten, Victor Moya (CA) Scott Pentzer
OPETH traces the swedish band from their death metal roots to prog rock darlings. As Spike Steffenhagen returns to biographical comics to do what he does best! Joining him is fellow Revolutionary and Rock and Roll Comics partner in crime Scott Pentzer who provides the issue's haunting cover. This is a no holds barred bio by the man who helped create the genre.
4.20 euros

(W) Cullen Bunn (A/CA) Juan Doe
The wickedness of mankind has moved the Creator to destroy the world by way of the flood. Noah has been tasked with building an ark to save his family and the animals of the world. But this is not Noah's story. For darker powers have commanded the sorcerer Shrae to build his own ark and save the unnatural creatures of the world-such as the vampires, the dragons, the naga, and the manticore. But what will happen on a vessel crawling with monsters, where insidious intrigue and horrific violence are the rule of law?
From writer Cullen Bunn (X-Men Blue, Deadpool, Venom) and artist Juan Doe (AMERICAN MONSTER, WORLD READER) comes a sinister tale of biblical proportions that HAD to be told at AfterShock Comics.
4.80 euros

(W) Troy Vevasis (A/CA) Aleksandar Jovic
Who's that suit-wearing living skeleton with a heart of gold? It's Mr. Crypt, that's who! Using a mustache and top hat for a disguise, can Mr. Crypt and his friendly pet rat win over the local villagers and make the best of a bad situation?
1.80 euros

(W) James Kuhoric (A) Andrew Mangum (CA) Rich Bonk
Come with us back to Honey Island Swamp for a brand new tale of horror at the hands of Victor Crowley.  It's 1983 and a group of college kids with aspirations of creating the next blockbuster horror franchise set out to find the place where New Orleans most notorious boogeyman lived.  Victor Crowley waits for those foolish enough to enter his swamp and disturb his nightmare cycle.  This is old school horror returned to comics with Adam Green's vision of rage and terror unleashed on the comics' page.  If you loved Hatchet #0 - don't miss the brand new heaping helping of horror right here!
4.80 euros

(W) John Carpenter, Anthony Burch (CA) St?phane Roux
"    From John Carpenter (director of Big Trouble in Little China, Halloween, The Thing, Escape from New York) and Anthony Burch (writer of Borderlands 2) comes the story of old man Jack Burton's final ride in the Pork-Chop Express.
"    The year is 2020, and hell is literally on Earth. Ching Dai, sick of relying on screw-ups like Lo Pan to do his bidding, has broken the barriers between Earth and the infinite hells, and declared himself ruler of all.
"    Sixty-year-old Jack Burton is alone in a tiny corner of Florida with only his broken radio to talk to, until one day it manages to pick up a message. Someone is out there in the hellscape, and they know a way to stop Ching Dai.
4.80 euros

(W) Robbie Thompson, Justin Jordan (A) Barnaby Bagenda (CA) Dan Mora
The Universal Ring wields the strength of the entire Lantern spectrum, making it too powerful for any one being. The Guardians had no choice but to erase it from the Book of Oa and hide it within another universe...on the Planet of the Apes.
When Cornelius unearths this ring, Hal Jordan and the Green Lanterns will have to outrun Sinestro, who is bent on claiming the ring for himself.
From writers Robbie Thompson (Silk, Spidey) and Justin Jordan (Green Lantern: New Guardians, Luther Strode), and artist Barnaby Bagenda (Omega Men) comes a universe-spanning epic that pits Lantern against Ape in the ultimate fight for power. Collects the complete limited series.
24 euros

SINK #1 (OF 5)
(W) John Lees (A/CA) Alex Cormack
A forgotten East End district of a warped funhouse mirror vision of Glasgow, Scotland, Sinkhill is a hive of crooks, deviants and killers, and ordinary folk unfortunate enough to live among them. Sink is a vicious new crime series from the creative team behind Oxymoron: The Loveliest Nightmare. When Allan misses the last bus home, a wrong turn on his walk home takes him into Sinkhill. There, he must face an onslaught of knife-wielding youths, a fox-masked vigilante, and a nightmare lurking in a blue van.
4.80 euros

(W) Dan Schaffer (A) David Miller (CA) Dan Schaffer
Young Doctor Freust is a therapist in an asylum of horror where each deranged and diabolical inmate has a paranormal neurosis and a homicidal glint in their eye. Out of her depth, Fruest must discover the techniques pioneered by her father, leader of a secret religious cult, if she has any hope of surviving the madness. The great Dan Schaffer (Dogwitch; Killdarlings) mixes a dark gothic cocktail with a twist of wry.
4.80 euros

 (W) Garth Ennis (A/CA) Mauricet
It's a red-letter day for the good folk of Unliklistan as they start to power up their first atomic reactor. But after pushing the wrong button, the ultra-rare radioactive element, unstabilium, has been released into the atmosphere! Now it's up to pilot Lt. Col. Richard "Dick" Atcherly and his navigator Captain Dudley "Mutt" Muller to save the day. Will they safely complete their mission? Or are things about to get a little...wacky?
4.80 euros

 (W) Warren Ellis (A) Jon Davis-Hunt (CA) Jim Lee, Scott Williams
New York Times best-selling writer Warren Ellis (TRANSMETROPOLITAN, RED, THE AUTHORITY) returns to reset the WildStorm universe with new iterations of Grifter, Voodoo, the Engineer, Jenny Sparks and more in this volume collecting issues #1-6 of the hit series. Everyone is looking up. A man has been thrown from the upper floor of a skyscraper. Angela Spica, sick from the transhuman implants she's buried in her own body - is the only person who can save him.
What she doesn't know is that the act of saving that one man will tip over a vast and secret house of cards that encloses the entire world, if not the inner solar system. This is how the Wild Storm begins, and it may destroy covert power structures, secret space programs and even all of human history.
20 euros


MARVEL, news Comics VO pour Septembre

(W) Jason Aaron (A) Esad Ribic (CA) Joe Quesada
It begins at the dawn of the human race, and ends with a child's prayer! In between, empires fall, mysteries brew, secrets are revealed, quests are undertaken and legends are forged! All leading up to the dramatic return you've been waiting for - and one you've been dreading!
Jason Aaron (MIGHTY THOR) and Esad Ribic (SECRET WARS) usher in a new dawn - one whose rays will touch every corner of the Marvel Universe in the days to come!
MARVEL LEGACY: It's everything you've been longing for - and more!
7.20 euros

(W) Nick Spencer (A/CA) Paul Renaud
They were part of the Greatest Generation! And now Sam Wilson finds himself alongside them yet again in a strange yet familiar setting - fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with Captain America and Bucky against a seemingly unstoppable threat to the safety of the world!
6 euros

(W) Margaret Stohl (A) Brent Schoonover (CA) David Nakayama
Carol Danvers, THE MIGHTY CAPTAIN MARVEL, finds herself face-to-face with someone she never thought she'd see again - Mar-Vell of the Kree, THE MIGHTY CAPTAIN MARVEL! But before she can get to the bottom of this impossible reunion, she gets embroiled in combat with someone who wants the Kree destroyed - talk about terrible timing!
6 euros

(W) Brian Michael Bendis (A) Marco Rudy (CA) Skan
• Riri Williams is given a once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet Tony Stark...Sorcerer Supreme!
•  Join Ironheart as she discovers things about the Iron Man legacy that will change her forever.
•  IRON MAN writer and Riri co-creator Bendis teams up with the award-winning multimedia artist Marco Rudy to give you a beautiful, unique look at the first step into a new era of Iron Man!
6 euros

(W) G. Willow Wilson (A) Paolo Villanelli (CA) Nelson Blake
• Ms. Marvel's falling out with her idol Carol Danvers, a.k.a. the Mighty Captain Marvel, just took a BIZARRE turn!
•  Kamala suddenly finds herself as an intern at Woman Magazine - Carol's former place of employment! Between cozying up to her boss, filing back issues, and her usual super-heroing, how will Kamala find time to figure out what got her here in the first place?
6 euros

(W) Brian Michael Bendis (A/CA) Ramon K. Perez
• When it comes to problems, Peter Parker's got it all! Bullies at school, ailing aunt, a doppelganger, crushing responsibility, and -
wait, a doppelganger?!
•  Can't Peter ever catch a break? And what does all this craziness have to do with Miles Morales?
6 euros

(W) Rainbow Rowell (A/CA) Kris Anka
The "IT" book of the early 2000s with the original cast is back - Nico! Karolina! Molly! Chase! Old Lace! And, could it be? GERT?! The heart of the Runaways died years ago, but you won't believe how she returns! Superstar author Rainbow Rowell (Eleanor & Park, Carry On) makes her Marvel debut with fan-favorite artist Kris Anka (ALL-NEW X-MEN, CAPTAIN MARVEL) in the series that will shock you and break your heart!
4.80 euros

VENOMVERSE #1 (of 5)
(W) Cullen Bunn (A) Iban Coello (CA) Nick Bradshaw
During a routine battle with the villainous Jack O'Lantern, Venom finds himself transported to a far-off world and learns a terrible truth - a deadly new species called the Poisons has emerged from the vastness of space, and to make matters worse, they're hunting Venoms! Trapped on the planet's surface with a ragtag band of Venomized heroes, Eddie has no choice but to mount a counteroffensive and hope to find a way home!
6 euros

(W) Declan Shalvey, Magdalene Visaggio, Cullen Bunn (A) Annapaola Martello, Declan Shalvey, Tana Ford (CA) Francesco Mattina
• Sure, you know about some of the adventures All-New Wolverine, Gwenpool, Ghost Rider, Old Man Logan and Deadpool went on with their symbiotes, but what about the rest?!
•  Featuring a star-studded lineup of creators and characters, including...
•  ...a VENOMIZED PUNISHER story written and drawn by Declan Shalvey!
•  And the awesome adventures of VENOMIZED ROCKET RACCOON by Magdalene Visaggio!
6 euros

(W) Kelly Thompson (A) Marco Checchetto (CA) Paul Renaud
As the excitement ramps up for this December's Star Wars: The Last Jedi, come back with us to the final moments of The Force Awakens and the destruction of Starkiller Base to learn the fate of Captain Phasma! Captured by the Resistance and thrown into a garbage masher, we follow the chrome-adorned warrior from the site of the First Order's biggest defeat to the doorstep of this holiday season's biggest blockbuster! Written by Kelly Thompson (HAWKEYE, STAR WARS ANNUAL 2016) and drawn by Marco Checchetto (STAR WARS: SHATTERED EMPIRE, STAR WARS: SCREAMING CITADEL), Captain Phasma will recondition you to love Star Wars again!
4.80 euros


IMAGE, news Comics VO pour Septembre

(W) Rob Williams (A/CA) Simon Fraser
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (starring Channing Tatum and Colin Firth)is in cinemas in September, and we're launching the sequel to the hit comic book series by MARK MILLAR and DAVE GIBBONS with KINGSMAN: THE RED DIAMOND. Working-class super-spy Eggsy follows in his mentor's footsteps but is still rough around the edges for a Kingsman agent. Rejected by his high school crush and hot on the heels of a rescue mission to save Prince Phillip, he embarks on an international terror plot in a story that starts where James Bond draws the line. ROB WILLIAMS (Suicide Squad, Action Comics) and SIMON FRASER take the helm for this stunning six-issue miniseries.
4.80 euros

(W) Mark Millar (A/CA) Dave Gibbons
THE SECRET SERVICE: KINGSMAN is the critically acclaimed comic book series by Kick-Ass writer MARK MILLAR and Watchmen's DAVE GIBBONS. Now a Hollywood blockbuster starring Colin Firth and Taron Egerton, and directed by MATTHEW VAUGHN, KINGSMAN reinvents the spy genre for the 21st century. The story follows a British secret agent who takes his wayward nephew under his wing and trains him to become a gentleman spy. Together, they uncover a plot that links kidnapped celebrities with a plot to eradicate 90 percent of the human race!
20 euros

(W) Simon Spurrier (A/CA) Caspar Wijngaard
- Humanity's long gone. Its memory lingers only as misunderstood rituals among mankind's leftovers: the genetically modified animals they used and abused for eons.
- But for one young flying monkey, QORA, the routines are unbearable. All she wants is to explore. Instead she's expected to settle down, to become a mother... to lose her wings.
- Eisner nominee SIMON SPURRIER (The Spire, CRY HAVOC, X-Men Legacy) and rising-star CASPAR WIJNGAARD (LIMBO, Dark Souls, Assassin's Creed) present your new bittersweet adventure obsession: teenage rebellion and animal antics amidst the ruins of civilization!
- Think WALL-E by way of Watership Down. Fly, my pretties!
4.80 euros

(W) Sean Mackiewicz (A/CA) Niko Walter, Mat Lopes
NEW SERIES! Fugitives. Rebels. Newlyweds. In their journey south from El Norte, Amalia and Randy have played many roles in order to survive. Now, they must become unlikely leaders in the fight against a new cartel who uses inhuman tactics to ignite the most monstrous war Mexico - and the world - has ever seen. Everything burns in this new series from SEAN MACKIEWICZ and NIKO WALTER, where love and devotion can only be measured in fire and blood.
4.80 euros

(W) Jim Zub (A) K. Michael Russell (A/CA) Djibril Morissette-Phan
Kaydon Klay wants to be famous. She wants it more than anything else she's ever known. The dream is hers for the taking, and all she has to do is embrace the national tragedy that's put her in the spotlight... Fan-favorite writer JIM ZUB (WAYWARD, Uncanny Avengers) and artist DJIBRIL MORISSETTE-PHAN (All-New Wolverine, Ultimates) continue their twisted exploration of fame and failure. The entertainment industry feeds on our insecurities, desires, and fears. You can't toy with those kinds of primal emotions without them biting back.
4.80 euros

(W) Seth Peck (A/CA) Jeremy Haun, Nick Filardi
NEW SERIES! Fifteen years ago, our world was overrun by creatures of myth; orcs, dragons, and other nameless horrors threw the entire planet into total chaos. Today, the shattered remnants of civilization must fight just to survive in a deadly new era of violence and mayhem. While a powerful sorcerer marshals his forces, a group of warriors embark on a journey to reclaim our world from the growing darkness. An all new post-apocalyptic high-fantasy adventure series from co-creators SETH M. PECK (X-Men) and JEREMY HAUN (THE BEAUTY) featuring colors by NICK FILARDI and letters by THOMAS MAUER.
4.80 euros

(W) Matt Nixon (A/CA) Toby Cypress
NEW ONGOING SERIES! "TPTB," Part One-The reboot of a comic book miniseries that has never existed begins with an all-new, all-different issue #1! Time to travel back and jump in on this comic while it was new!
4.80 euros

(W) Sebastian Girner (A/CA) Galaad
NEW SERIES! It's hard to make an honest living in a land brimming with magic and mystery, and treasure hunter Luvander is tired of being a penniless adventurer. Ever in search of gold and glory, she sets off for a fabled dungeon, "the Dragon's Maw," an ancient labyrinth, at the bottom of which slumbers endless wealth... or certain doom! But what starts out as a road to riches becomes the first step on an epic journey to destiny, for Luvander holds a secret in her heart that will shatter the chains of fate and bring light to a world encroached upon by an ancient darkness. Writer SEBASTIAN GIRNER (SHIRTLESS BEAR-FIGHTER!) and artist GALAAD are proud to present SCALES & SCOUNDRELS, a colorful and exciting new monthly fantasy adventure from Image Comics, for scoundrels of all ages!
4.80 euros

(W) Jason Latour, Ivan Brandon (A/CA) Greg Hinkle, Matt Wilson
Zelda's about to start a war of dreams. In the days when story and reality were one, the old blood - people with the power to shape stories - built a new world to escape the future we all came to live in. Generations later, Zelda rejects the old blood's dreams and escapes into our world to run from destiny. But destiny has a nasty way of catching up to you. From the creators of Spider-Gwen, SOUTHERN BASTARDS, DRIFTER, and AIRBOY, comes a new fantasy where heroes are hard to find. Collects BLACK CLOUD #1-5.
12 euros

(W) Donny Cates, Mark Reznicek (A/CA) Geoff Shaw, Lauren Affe
Ruben is an unconventional superhero who gets his powers through the consumption of alcohol and illicit drugs. On one fateful day, facing a world-ending threat, Reuben drank so much that he blacked out. He saved the world...but he has no idea how or why. Now, he's in recovery, trying to get sober and piece together not only the events of the night in question, but the broken parts of his life as an alcoholic and an addict. Now back in print from Image Comics, BUZZKILL is a critically acclaimed miniseries from the creative team that brought you GOD COUNTRY and The Paybacks, and the writer of REDNECK, Babyteeth, Ghost Fleet, and more. Collects BUZZKILL #1-4.
15.60 euros

(W) Kyle Starks (A/CA) Kyle Starks
It's the first collection of the manic hobo-fighting epic that is ROCK CANDY MOUNTAIN. Come inside and meet the mysterious, unbeatable hobo Jackson on his quest to find the mythical hobo heaven. Meet his sidekick Pomona Slim. But watch out for the Devil! And the FBI! And the Hobo Mafia too! It's a fantastical fisticuff frolic through post-World War II America via the rails and backroads, through underground fight clubs, prison, and the hobo jungles wrought with dangers, hobo fights, jokes, and locomotive excitement. Collects ROCK CANDY MOUNTAIN #1-4.
12 euros

(W) Jeff Lemire (A/CA) Jeff Lemire
In his most ambitious and most personal project to date, JEFF LEMIRE spins the captivating and engaging story of a family from the small factory town of Royal City and the ghosts that haunt them.
In a return to the literary and thematic territory of LEMIRE's breakthrough graphic novel Essex County, ROYAL CITY follows Patrick Pike, a fading literary star who reluctantly returns to the once-thriving factory town where he grew up. Patrick is quickly drawn back into the dramas of his two adult siblings, his overbearing mother, and his browbeaten father, all of whom are still haunted by different versions of his youngest brother, Tommy, who drowned decades ago.
As each member of the family struggles to keep themselves above water, it quickly becomes clear that Tommy's death isn't the only dark secret tearing the town, and this family, apart at the seams. Can each member of the Pike family come to terms with their own guilt over Tommy's death, and make peace with the many versions of Tommy that still haunt them, or will they all be dragged down below the river along with his lingering ghost? ROYAL CITY promises to be a sprawling serialized graphic novel that will chart the lives, loves, and losses of a troubled family and a vanishing town, across three decades. JEFF LEMIRE is the creator of DESCENDER (with DUSTIN NGUYEN), A.D.: AFTER DEATH (with SCOTT SNYDER), Roughneck, Secret Path (with GORD DOWNIE), PLUTONA (with EMI LENNOX), Essex County, Sweet Tooth, Trillium, and The Underwater Welder. He had also written celebrated stories featuring Green Arrow, Animal Man, Bloodshot, Wolverine, Hawkeye, Teen Titans, the Valiant, the X-Men, and Inhumans for the major comic book publishers.
12 euros

(W) Rick Remender (A/CA) Greg Tocchini
The critically acclaimed collaboration between RICK REMENDER (SEVEN TO ETERNITY, LOW) and GREG TOCCHINI (LOW, Uncanny X-Force) is back in print. In the not-too-distant future, as a final response to terrorism and crime, the US government plans in secret to broadcast a signal making it impossible for anyone to knowingly commit unlawful acts. But the media has leaked news of the anti-crime signal one week before it was to go live, and now Graham Brick, who was planning a huge heist, has just a few days to turn the crime of the century into the last crime in American history. Collects LAST DAYS OF AMERICAN CRIME #1-3.
150 pages, 21.60 euros

(W) Robert Kirkman (A/CA) Paul Azaceta, Elizabeth Breitweiser
A major turning point in the series! New characters are introduced! Big things are in store for Kyle Barnes as he's faced with something he never could have prepared for-hope!
20 euros

(W) Robert Kirkman (A) Stefano Gaudiano, Cliff Rathburn (CA) Dave Stewart (A/CA) Charlie Adlard
In the aftermath of The Whisperer War - ALL IS LOST. Collects THE WALKING DEAD #163-168.
20 euros

 (W) Garth Ennis (A/CA) Mauricet
It's a red-letter day for the good folk of Unliklistan as they start to power up their first atomic reactor. But after pushing the wrong button, the ultra-rare radioactive element, unstabilium, has been released into the atmosphere! Now it's up to pilot Lt. Col. Richard "Dick" Atcherly and his navigator Captain Dudley "Mutt" Muller to save the day. Will they safely complete their mission? Or are things about to get a little...wacky?
4.80 euros
 (W) Warren Ellis (A) Jon Davis-Hunt (CA) Jim Lee, Scott Williams
New York Times best-selling writer Warren Ellis (TRANSMETROPOLITAN, RED, THE AUTHORITY) returns to reset the WildStorm universe with new iterations of Grifter, Voodoo, the Engineer, Jenny Sparks and more in this volume collecting issues #1-6 of the hit series. Everyone is looking up. This is how the Wild Storm begins, and it may destroy covert power structures, secret space programs and even all of human history.
20 euros