(W) Richard Greene
Matchless Beauties is a presentation of hundreds of classic "Girlie" matchbook covers in full color, displaying pin-ups by legendary pin-up artists such as Earl Moran, George Petty, and Alberto Vargas, as well as many unsung anonymous artists who created beautiful "Glamour Girls" to sell everything from lightbulbs to lingerie. Culled from one of the best private collections of matchbook covers in the country, Matchless Beauties offers a fun journey into one of the most popular forms of ephemeral advertising of the 20th century. Whether used as inspiration or just created as sweet eye-candy, Matchless Beauties is a welcome addition to the library of anyone who appreciates feminine beauty and vintage advertising.
33 euros
- https://www.google.fr/search?biw=1214&bih=884&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=f0tAXNbLDYvagwek5ajYDA&q=PIN-UP+MATCHBOOK+COVERS+Earl+Moran&oq=PIN-UP+MATCHBOOK+COVERS+Earl+Moran&gs_l=img.3...35635.36466..37279...0.0..
- https://www.google.fr/search?biw=1214&bih=884&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=pUtAXLqQNrKtgwfYsJeABA&q=PIN-UP+MATCHBOOK+COVERS+George+Petty&oq=PIN-UP+MATCHBOOK+COVERS+George+Petty&gs_l=img.3...76554.76554..76884...0.0..
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